What I Got

By the time you read this, the Lending Library should be up and running, or else I will be on the run.  Seriously, grant deadline is June 30th and it will be all taken care of or the county will be hitting me up for a big check. 

The pavilion is finished and already being enjoyed.  We have used it during Summer Reading Program and the Farmers’ Market.  The Friends of the Morgan County Library will complete the landscaping in the near future.

The last few months have been crazy.  Getting the pavilion and lending library almost ended me and I have also been in charge of the teens at SRP.  The last few weeks, Brittany and I have been preparing for our trivia night, hopefully you didn’t miss it.  This is also the time of year that I make big decisions regarding our databases.

We currently have OverDrive (Libby), Hoopla, Ancestry, World Book Online, some EBSCO resources and Tumblebooks.  I made some cuts and added some replacements, don’t worry, the list I shared is all still in the lineup. 

Creativebug was dropped at the beginning of June.  This database was added last year during COVID to provide a resource for at home arts and crafts.  Sadly, this resource just was not used by our patrons.  We promoted it not only through social media, but we used it specifically for some of our craft nights, still no interest.  No big deal, we will try something new. 

Pronunciator was dropped today.  We have had this database for a few years now and I have been reluctant to get rid of it.  It is a good priced resource and provides a fun and easy way to learn new languages, but there has just not been enough use, so, again, no big deal we will try something new. 

The state has used federal grant money to offer MOREnet resources to all libraries, remember, this is something I let go of a few years back, same reasons as the two databases I just discussed.  I hated to let go of our membership because of the valuable resources that MOREnet provides, well, they are back!  Be sure to check out the EBSCO link on our card catalog.  You will find: Consumer Health Complete (covering all areas of health and wellness from mainstream to alternative), Read It (English Language Learner), Academic Search Elite (reviewed journals), Explora (supports both student research and classroom instruction with rich, reliable content and easy-to-use functionality), and Science Reference Center (teacher and student resources for all science research needs).

So, I said we could try something new, well, enter drum roll.   We have 2 new databases: Chilton Auto Repair (These comprehensive automotive manuals have complete and detailed repair information on thousands of car, truck, van and SUV by year, make and model combinations) and Legal Forms (Access to most legal forms for all 50 states).  If you have a car that you need to work on, a spouse you would like to divorce, a will you need to update, etc., we got you covered. 

I am pretty excited about both of these resources.  Chilton print books are huge and we have very few of them, the database has them all.  Legal forms, again we have some print resources, but nowhere near as extensive as the database. 

These are the databases I “got”, use Sublime’s hit to remind yourself.    “Chiltn’ is what I got.  I said, remember that.  Chiltn’ is what I got, and I hope you use it.”  “Legl’ forms is what I got.  I said, remember that.  Legl’ forms is what I got, and I hope you use it.” 

Upcoming Events: 6/30 Summer Reading Program at 10am, 7/2 Genealogy Club at 10am, 7/3 Farmers’ Market 9-noon, 7/5 Closed, 7/6 Book Club at 6:30pm