What are you missing?
Just the other day a patron asked me when the library was going to get back to normal. After a brief discussion, he suggested I use this column to let the community know the state of the library. I thought I had already been doing that, but I will try once more. I actually thought about asking Bryan if I could use the same column space, but just fill it with large letters saying, WE ARE OPEN.
When we closed in March, we made videos about all the digital resources we offer and how to access them. We also created a video about curbside services. The March 26th bookworm discussed digital and curbside library access and reassured patrons we were renewing their items. Ultimately, all library materials were renewed through June 1st. April 2nd, April 16th, and April 30th bookworms all reiterated our digital resources and one mentioned curbside. May 16th we announced on Facebook that we would be opening our lobby on May 18th. This was shared in the May 7th (we even mentioned the opening of the lobby on June 1st) and May 14th bookworm. On May 31st we announced on Facebook that we would be opening up the library, not just the lobby. The June 4th and June 25th bookworms again mentioned the library being open, with specifics.
Beyond the bookworm and Facebook, we have been advertising our Summer Reading Program weekly on KS 95, in the Morgan County Press and the Leader-Statesman.
This has been one of my least favorite things about working at the library; marketing. It just doesn’t seem to matter what we do; people still act like they have no clue. Facebook, our website, signs, printed calendars, digital signage in the building, multiple community calendars including KS95, bookworms (with upcoming events listed at the end), board minutes in the newspaper, printed calendars, staff available to answer the phones during regular business hours (ALWAYS, yep, even when the building was closed), and even paid advertisement this year for SRP. Am I missing something?
I have threatened my employees that I am going to buy them a gorilla suit and a big sign, saying OPEN. Then I will put them by the highway and let them dance and spin that sign to let everyone know that, yep, I am going to say it again, we are OPEN. I would love to have a huge digital sign to capture your attention, but that is just not fiscally possible for us, so we try every way we know how.
So, there you go, this is the state of your library. We are open, 10 patrons at time for 30 minutes each (no one has been turned away), library materials continued to be quarantined for 4 days, no onsite programming or community room use, limited seating in the building, no AWE kid computer use, and no activity kits are available.
I asked the patron that recommended I share this column, what he was missing. I ask you the same thing. If you answer with onsite programming, community room use, being able to sit by your friend in the building, AWE computers or activity kits for your kids, then I get you, I miss those things too. If you answer any other way, then maybe you need to stop by and check it out. We are open. We are open. We are open.
Upcoming Events: Onsite delivery of SRP activities on Thursday, Gravois Access 4-4:30, Stover 5:00-5:30. 7/8 Story Time will be with Bright Star! and teen fan fiction writing prompt, Wednesday at 10:00am. 7/10 Adult Writing Prompt at 10am. 7/11 at 10:30am STEAM for ages 13-17 and LEGOs for ages 7-12. Story Walk’s at the Stover and Versailles City Park. 7/13 at 6:30pm Adult Craft.