Week 2 of Dystopia
What do you write about when you have been “closed” since March 18th?
I know I have gone over our digital resources, but I am going to briefly visit them again, some things have changed.
OverDrive offers eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and videos. Hoopla offers eBooks, audiobooks, comics, videos and music, with immediate checkout and I have doubled your checkout amount to 10 items per month. TumbleBooks is online collection of animated, talking picture books, chapter books, and national geographic videos for children. The company has extended their offerings during this time, adding, TumbleMath, and Teen Book Cloud, Audio Book Cloud and Romance Book Cloud have been added for adults.

We offer World Book Online, the same material you can find in your encyclopedia, but online. I loved looking through my grandparents’ encyclopedias as a kid, what a great time to share an old favorite and a new format with your children. Pronunciator is a way to learn up to 80 languages with self-directed lessons, live teachers, movies, music, and more; sign language is included. This week we were allowed to add at home usage with our Ancestry Library edition, originally it was for in-library use only.
So again, you can read, learn languages and all things worldly, listen to music, watch movies, help your children with their math, read graphic novels, pretty much anything you would usually expect from the library, but from the safety and comfort of your own home. Call if you have questions, we have how-to videos on our Facebook page and our website, morgancountylibrary.org.
If you don’t have access to our digital resources, you can still use our curbside services. Call us and we will shop the stacks for you. We are currently only offering books and audiobooks, but have lifted the previous limit of 5 items. We also have a free box out every day.
So, yep, kind of a repeat of last week, but I think it is important that we keep advertising what we are offering during this time of closure. We are still here, as much as we can be.
I will be honest; I think the time at home is good for me, I needed a slowdown. I was catching myself in a self-induced whirlwind and was having a hard time stopping it. We had gone on a weekend trip, a hiking adventure and neither one “took”. I am not happy about the current situation. I hate seeing programming stop and realize that we will have to build our circulation and outreach all over again when this is over, but I can enjoy the quiet. I originally made a list of things to do to keep me on task, I have let that go. I am working on keeping the library as functionally as we can, but I am also taking naps (at home), reading (a lot), watching good and crazy TV with my family (The Tiger King), and enjoying cooking every meal (I miss you Veracruz).
Cleaning the garage is still not getting done, but we are keeping our clothes washed (all comfy items), ourselves clean and our house in good enough condition, while enjoying a reset button that makes us aware of letting go of the busy. So this is what I will write about when we are closed, all we are doing and what we can hope to gain from this time by actually doing nothing.
Upcoming Events: All programming is cancelled for now, please follow our Facebook page for some virtual activities.