Morgan County Library
Board of Trustees
May 11, 2023
Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Stacey Embry, Ann Brinson, Kathy Jones.
Absent: Curtis Cunningham, Lena Menning.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:45 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.
Public Comment: One comment was received and briefly discussed.
Friends Report: The Book Sale yielded $2,081. The next Friends meeting is May 25, which will be devoted to moving forward with the Imagination Library. The Friends expressed thanks to Stacy, Loren, and the rest of the library staff for their supportive work with the Imagination Library.
Minutes: Kathy moved, Ann seconded, to accept the April 13, 2023 minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Vouchers/Financial Report: Balance as of April 30, 2023, is $465,586.47. Kathy moved, Ann seconded, to accept the report as presented. Motion carried.
Directors’ Report:
- Circulation numbers are within the bounds of expectation for this time of year.
- Work on the Evergreen project is as complete as it can be for now.
- The Summer Reading Program continues to receive generous donations. The materials for the crafts and the reading prizes are almost all purchased.
- The library window painting project will be postponed at least until the beginning of the new school year.
Old Business: None.
New Business: The Statements of Policy for Employment Status, Probationary Period, Employee Records, and Employee Benefit Programs were reviewed. Minor grammatical revisions for the sake of uniformity between the policies were accepted by acclamation. Ann moved, Kathy seconded to strike point #2 on the Probationary Period Statement of Policy, and to renumber the subsequent points accordingly. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Ann moved, Kathy seconded, to adjourn at 6:09 PM. Motion carried.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Mary Jo Jackson, President Ann Brinson, Secretary
These minutes approved as _____________________ on ________________________