Morgan County Library
Board of Trustees
Jun. 9, 2022
Present: Kathy Jones, Stacey Embry, Mary Jo Jackson, Curtis Cunningham
Absent: Brenda Steffens, Ann Brinson
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:21 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.
Public Comments: None.
Minutes of the May 12, 2022 meeting: Kathy moved and Curtis seconded that the minutes be approved. The motion passed.
Vouchers/Financial: There were no questions about the vouchers statement. Kathy moved and Curtis seconded that the report be approved. The motion passed. There was some discussion about financial investments, and Stacey said she’d look into what state standard guidelines are in place for this.
Directors’ Report
Circulation report: Some patrons took advantage of the ‘Book Boxes’ that were available for checkout during May. There were 51 children who participated in programming events for the local homeschool group and R-2 Middle School. Overall circulation continues to “look good,” and it is expected to “jump” during June and July because of the Summer Reading Program.
SLL (Stover Lending Library): The library did not receive information on annual software costs for the SLL when it was originally installed last year. Discussion regarding what to do with the SLL ensued, and Stacey said she would look into grant money stipulations before the board made any decisions on what to do with the SLL.
MPLD meeting: Legislation concerning Athletic and Entertainment funds was discussed at length during this conference. Other topics discussed included the unionization of Daniel Boone Regional Library and intellectual freedom.
Old Business
Review Personal Business: This policy was briefly discussed. Kathy moved to dispose of this policy, and Curtis seconded this. The motion passed.
Strategic Plan: Stacey answered a few questions concerning the Table of Dates, and she further reviewed and explained the plan for each of the four components featured on this table (Building, Services, Community, Finances). The board agreed to keep discussing this plan as “Old Business” at future meetings until it is passed.
New Business
Friends: The concrete sidewalk addition for the pavilion is scheduled to be poured in approximately four weeks. An update was given regarding the status of the Imagination Library.
Privacy Policy: Discussion about parent/child privacy issues and reading history will continue at next month’s meeting under “Old Business.” At that time Stacey will share what state standards are in place concerning these issues.
Photo/Video Policy: After noting a few improvements that could be made to the current policy, the board decided to table further discussion and decision-making concerning it until next month’s meeting.
Curtis moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m. and Kathy seconded this. The motion passed. The next meeting will be July 14, 2022 at 5:15 p.m.
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Mary Jo Jackson, President Ann Brinson, Secretary
These minutes approved as:____________________ on________________