
Morgan County Library

Board of Trustees

January 11, 2024

Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Curtis Cunningham, Stacey Embry, Melissa Hedrick, Kathy Jones, Ann Brinson.

Absent: none.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:45 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter,

Versailles, MO 65084.

Public Comment: none.

Friends Report: No report.

Minutes: Kathy moved, Melissa seconded, to accept the December 14, 2023 minutes, revised as follows: Under

Voucher/Financial Report, revise “October 31” to “November 30. After New Business, insert “Return to Open

Session: Melissa moved, Curtis seconded, to accepted the proposed 2024 Budget as revised.” Motion carried.

Vouchers/Financial Report: Balance as of December 31, 2023, is $319,005.95. Kathy moved, Melissa seconded, to

accept the report as presented. Motion carried.

Directors’ Report: Participation in Evergreen continues to increase, and will hopefully compensate for

inconsistencies of some of the databases currently in use. Other libraries have borrowed 639 items from our

library and our patrons have borrowed 131 items from other libraries since November 20. The Edward Jones

proposal for employee IRAs seems to be the best approach. Work is beginning a list of local organizations that

could be included in regular communication or a shared social media platform that could coordinate schedules for

community events.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Ann moved, Kathy seconded, to approve overages in the 2023 budget for line items 6170,

6420.10, 6430.20, 6560.30, 6815.10, 6820.10, 6820.30, 6850, 6860. Motion carried.

Melissa moved, Kathy seconded, to accept the proposed Edward Jones Simple IRA plan with its dollar-for-dollar

contribution option. Motion carried.

Curtis moved, Kathy seconded, to accept the Color Art Furniture bid for library furniture, allowing for a 5%

variation in the original bid of $30,795.43, since the expiration date of the original bid had passed. Motion carried.

The Travel/Lodging/Meals Policy was reviewed.

Melissa moved, Kathy seconded, to accept the Personnel Records, Holiday, and Conference Attendance policies as


Adjournment: Kathy moved, Melissa seconded, to adjourn at 6:43 PM. Motion carried.

________________________________________ ________________________________________

Mary Jo Jackson, President Ann Brinson, Secretary

These minutes approved as _____________________ on ________________________