Morgan County Library
Board of Trustees
Jan. 12, 2023
Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Lena Menning, Stacey Embry, Curtis Cunningham, Ann Brinson, Kathy Jones.
Absent: None.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:15 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.
Public Comment: Stacey noted that a private donor had doubled their donation for this year.
Friends Report: Work on the Imagination Library continues apace. In February, the group will begin accepting donations for the book sale. The next Friends meeting is January 19, 6 PM, at the library.
Minutes: Kathy moved, Lena seconded, to accept the December 8, 2022 minutes, amended as follows: Under Friends Report, insert the word “Postage” for the sentence to read, “Postage approval was finally received…”; under Adjournment, revise adjournment time to 5:40 PM. Motion carried.
Vouchers/Financial Report: Current balance as of December 31, 2022, is $277,681.46. Ann moved, Kathy seconded, to accept the report as presented. Motion carried.
Ann moved, Kathy seconded, to approve the following overages to the 2022 budget: lines 6140; 6155; 6160; 6180; 6420.35; 6420.40; 6820.20; 6820.30; 6840; and 6860. Motion carried.
Directors’ Report:
- Circulation is lower than last month, but higher than this time last year.
- Advertising is underway for the competition to finish the two “Little Free Library” units recently purchased with donated funds. A book return drop box ready to be installed near the bike rack in front of the library. The pamphlet display is still pending. The charging stations are installed and in use.
- The Evergreen transfer is moving forward. The entire library collection will be re-coded using Evergreen’s proprietary 14-digit bar codes.
- Budget categories are being re-formatted to more accurately reflect expenditures. Overall budget will remain the same.
Old Business: none.
New Business: Ann moved, Curtis seconded, to change the start time of the Board of Trustees Meeting to 5:45 PM, still meeting on the second Thursday of the month. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Lena moved, Kathy Seconded, to adjourn at 5:50 PM. Motion carried.
________________________________________ ________________________________________
Mary Jo Jackson, President Ann Brinson, Secretary
These minutes approved as _____________________ on ________________________