
Morgan County Library

Board of Trustees

Jan. 13, 2022

Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Kathy Jones, Stacey Embry, Ann Brinson, Curtis Cunningham

Absent: Brenda Steffens

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:15 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.

Public Comments: None.

Minutes of the Dec. 9, 2021 meeting: No additions or corrections were made; Ann moved and Curtis seconded that the minutes be approved.  The motion passed.

Vouchers/Financial:  As of Dec. 31, 2021, the ending cash balance for the General Fund was $236,843.20. There were no questions.  Ann moved and Curtis seconded that the report be approved. The motion passed.

The following “overage” line items in the 2020 budget were reviewed by the Board: 6130; 6150; 6180; 6420.10; 6420.20; 6420.35; 6720; 6730; 6840; 6850. Ann made a motion to approve the “overages,” and Curtis seconded this. The motion passed.

Directors’ Report

                Circulation report + Annual and comparison:   Checkout and database usage statistics for December remain fairly consistent with November’s statistics. Wednesday story time attendance nearly doubled from November to December.

Annual statistics for usage and checkout of Media, Juvenile, and Easy materials increased when compared with 2020 statistics. Usage and checkout of Adult, Young Adult, and various Databases fluctuated only a small amount overall when compared with 2020 statistics.

                SRP grant: The library was awarded $7,000.00 for the upcoming “Oceans of Possibilities” Summer Reading Program.  The money be used to fund visits from two children’s authors, material purchases, and craft/programming activity supplies.

Old Business

                Review: Patron Behavior in Library, Community Room/Pavilion Policy, Computer/Wireless & Filtering policies: Following a bit of discussion regarding cost for copies, no new changes were made to these policies from those discussed at last month’s meeting. Kathy moved and Ann seconded that the policies be accepted as revised. The motion passed.

                Evergreen: Voting concerning this ILS system was tabled until next month’s meeting so the board and staff could have more time to explore it.

New Business

                Friends:  Some painting still needs to be done on the pavilion, but all of the other work has been completed. The group intends to start planning its upcoming book sale in April.

                Imagination Library: Curtis explored and presented this program to the board. He indicated that the state is considering funding a portion of this program in the future; Stacey observed that “the biggest hurdle” will be to find additional funding from within the community. Because of this, Ann suggested tabling discussion on this program until next month’s meeting. This would allow Curtis and the board more time to explore the possibility of offering this program to the community.

                Budget Calculation Proposal/Budget Update and Corrections:  Stacey explained the current method for calculating the budget using 97% of the County Tax Revenue; she proposed changing this to 98%, which would allow for any net income to be put into reserves and be divided between line items 1020.10 Prior Years General Funds and 1020.30 Special Building Projects.  After lengthy discussion, Curtis made a motion to accept the proposed Budget Calculation Formula Policy and to move the excess revenue to Special Building Projects, line item 1020.30. Kathy seconded this. The motion passed.

                Review: Record Retention Policy: Tabled to next month’s meeting.

                Strategic Plan: create monthly to-do list: Stacey explained this idea and asked the board members to pick three specific goals from the sample to-do list she presented. The board agreed to focus on ideas for building maintenance, library services (including technology, programming, and collections), and community/outreach. It is Stacey’s desire to “zero in on” one of these goals and come up with ways to measure progress in the next 5 years.

                Technology Plan: create a monthly to-do list: Stacey presented a “wish list” that included: software that can be used to calculate patrons’ printing costs; patron access to assistive technology on one public computer; and software that can be used for scheduling.

Mary Jo moved to go into closed session according state statute 610.021.3. Ann seconded this. Roll call vote at 7:07 p.m. as follows:

Kathy-Yes            Mary Jo-Yes       Curtis-Yes            Ann-Yes

Curtis made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. and Ann seconded this. The motion passed. The next meeting will be February 10, 2022, at 5:15 p.m.