Half a Century
By the time you read this bookworm, I will have already celebrated my entry into the half century club. Yep, I have taken 50 journeys around our sun.
Not that many years ago I would have hoped for a big party, no MTV sweet sixteen, more like a fish fry or trip to the lake with a group of friends. For my 30th a friend surprised me a with a party with a few of our friends. All our kids were there and I am pretty sure they outnumbered us. For my 40th I might have changed into my new funny birthday shirt in the parking lot of Sunrise Cantina. For my 50th, I will be kayaking the Niangua and enjoying a cookout at the campground with my family.
I have yet to finish my book I talked about last week, but I have been taking steps in the right direction. I spent Sunday unfriended almost all of my friends on Facebook. Started with around 1400, I am currently down to 132 and that still seems out of control to me. Yep, no partying or internet “socializing” for me on this birthday, I just need some quiet, some time to reflect on my new number.
I am not sad about turning 50, but I will admit it just doesn’t seem right. I mean, isn’t that what age my parents should be and no way could I have a kid that is nearing the 30 mark, geez, I can’t believe I am not still in my 20s. My body and the mirror tells me otherwise, but my soul begs to differ.
I am not one to regret things, yes, I wish I would have not done some things, but there are other things I wish I would have done more of, no regrets, it is the life I lived and it made me who I am today. What would I tell my younger self, probably just a couple of things. Don’t be such a worrywart and enjoy every moment with your kiddos. We all know that the worrywart battle still continues, but I have the enjoy my kiddos part down pat. I only wish I could go back and time and enjoy reading the silly dragon and a wagon book to Ashlee over and over again, to the time when Lauren would climb up into my lap for a book or even just to watch TV with me, or when I would read Junie B. Jones books to both of them in their room at night.
There are plenty of other moments I would love to revisit, but reading with your kids is pretty special. Of course they gain early literacy development from these moments, but the bonding and the cuddle time just can’t be beat.
Wonder if I can add this to my birthday celebration? Do you think I could get them both cuddled up with me for some story time? Maybe I will pack a June B. book with me just in case.
Upcoming Events: Onsite delivery of SRP activities on Thursday, Gravois Access 4-4:30, Stover 5:00-5:30. 7/22 Story Time with Jim Weiss and teen fan fiction writing prompt, Wednesday at 10:00am. 7/24 Adult Writing Prompt at 10am. 7/27 at 6pm Family Trivia on Zoom. Story Walk’s at the Stover and Versailles City Park.