I listen to K-LOVE in the morning while I am reading my devotional. I try never to listen to the news, don’t judge me. I am full of anxiety and the news does not help with that. Occasionally, K-LOVE shares little snippets of “news.” The other day they mentioned a move toward giving students Fitbits and having them complete their gym requirements, on their own, outside of school. Remember, K-LOVE is not a local station, so, please don’t get up in arms over this.
The hosts discussed some of their horror stories from middle school gym. One person discussed swim class and how the swimsuits were different colors based on size, and, yep, you got it, she had the “big” color. One caller felt that gym class was a rite of passage and was something every child should go through. This changed their focus to the fun things they remembered, specifically the parachute, which most people will only ever encounter in gym class. I immediately thought of scooters and that big gigantic ball (I had to look that one up, “cage” ball).
Later that day, I also heard a reference to the benefits of exercising, you know, how it can make your day better, blah, blah, blah. Maybe I need a mandatory gym class with that attitude. So, I decided it was time to try getting up early again to work out. Hopefully, by the time you read this, I am still at it. I went to our shop and jumped on the treadmill, now for the difficult part, what to watch. Trust me, this decision is important, it can make the time slow down or fly by. I happened upon Ken Burns documentary, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.” It has been absolutely lovely, and such a wonderful start to the day.
Yosemite is the first park discussed. The history of this park starts on a shameful moment for the US, but the film makes up for it by sharing the treasure of John Muir. John Muir suffered a brutal upbringing. His father beat him until he memorized the bible, he could recite ¾ of the old testament and all of the new testament by age 11. Muir’s story gets better. I tried to find a quote that shares his view of God in nature, but was overwhelmed by all the wonderful things he said, so I challenge you to find some.
Okay, where and how does any of this relate? Muir was a walker and adventurer. He walked from Indiana to Florida. He got off the boat in San Francisco and walked to the Sierra Nevada’s. He wanted to see the view from the top of Yosemite Falls, so he scaled the walls, without gear (unless you call nails in his boots, gear). Imagine what his Fitbit would show!?
As much as I want gym class to always be a part of the curriculum, I also think kids with Fitbit “homework” might reap some benefits, as could their family. Like I said before, a mandatory class could benefit this 49-year-old. How great would it be to see families meeting up for a rousing race on scooters (you can buy them at Harbor Freight)? Imagine driving by and seeing a whole neighborhood pushing a ginormous ball around (sometimes the ball gets you, as in, you disappear under it, but everyone I knew survived). Just imagine, people being in nature, being in the presence of all of creation and also getting their 10,000 steps in.
Maybe, like me, it is just too cold to do anything outside yet, no worries, come check out the Ken Burns documentary and enjoy the beauty of nature from the comfort of your treadmill. When the weather gets better we have multiple books on outdoor activities. Remember my other challenge, find your own John Muir quote or just enjoy reading about this wonderful human by accessing our database, World Book Online.