Morgan County Library
Board of Trustees
February 8, 2024
Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Curtis Cunningham, Stacey Embry, Melissa Hedrick, Kathy Jones, Ann Brinson.
Absent: none.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:45 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter,
Versailles, MO 65084.
Public Comment: none.
Friends Report: At the upcoming meeting, February 15, 5:45 PM, planning for the annual book sale will begin.
Minutes: Melissa moved, Curtis seconded, to accept the January 11, 2024 minutes, revised to correct a typo in the
last sentence under the Director’s Report, inserting the word “on” as follows: “Work is beginning on a list of local
organizations.” Motion carried.
Vouchers/Financial Report: Balance as of January 31, 2024, is $621,469.93. Kathy moved, Melissa seconded, to
accept the report as presented. Motion carried.
Director’s Report: Circulation numbers continue to increase. The Summer Reading program was awarded a grant
that will allow for expanded programming. Various staff will attend professional development offered by the
Grand River Library Consortium and by the Missouri Association of School Librarians. The library’s Marketing Team
has completed its plan for 2024. Pending legislation (Missouri House Bills 2498 and 2648, Missouri Senate Bill
1330) will exert significant negative impacts upon libraries and library services statewide. Library patrons are
encouraged to become aware of this pending legislation and to voice their perspectives on it.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Performance Review of the Director was tabled, to be reviewed next meeting.
Adjournment: Kathy moved, Ann seconded, to adjourn at 6:38 PM. Motion carried.

Mary Jo Jackson, President Ann Brinson, Secretary
These minutes approved as _________ on ____________