Morgan County Library
Board of Trustees
Feb. 10, 2022
Present: Mary Jo Jackson, Brenda Steffens, Stacey Embry, Ann Brinson, Curtis Cunningham
Absent: Kathy Jones
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mary Jo Jackson at 5:16 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.
Public Comments: None.
Minutes of the Jan. 13, 2021 meeting: No additions or corrections were made; Brenda moved and Ann seconded that the minutes be approved. The motion passed.
Vouchers/Financial: As of Jan. 31, 2022, the ending cash balance for the General Fund was $500,887.03. There were no questions. Ann moved and Brenda seconded that the report be approved. The motion passed.
Directors’ Report
Circulation report: Overall usage of the library’s collection and its databases increased during January. The Children’s Programming Librarian, Brittany, is planning regular monthly events with the local homeschool group. A query about the book vending machine usage led to a brief brainstorming session about other ideas for community outreach and methods for keeping track of “foot-traffic” at the library.
Old Business
Review: Record Retention policy: This was reviewed, and there was brief discussion about the possibility of scanning old records in order to minimize usage of building storage space.
Evergreen: Stacey voiced a concern that she has not been able to figure out how to run reports yet. She is waiting to hear back from the company so she can figure out how to do this before making any decisions about switching to this new ILS system. Therefore, voting was tabled until next month’s meeting. In the meantime, Stacey continued to encourage board members to explore various features of this ILS system.
Imagination Library: Stacey reported thatparticipation in this program has been well-received by the community, and there are already potential sponsors who have indicated interest in helping fund this program. There were questions regarding how to keep track of funding so it can be proportionally distributed among various communities it is intended to serve. Ideas for contacting eligible families and how to keep participants’ contact records current were also part of this discussion.
New Business
Friends: The group is in the process of applying for participation in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. Plans are being made for the upcoming book sale April 28-30, and patrons can begin to bring book donations to the library in March. The next meeting is scheduled to be at the library on March 17 at 6:00 p.m. New members are welcome.
LED lighting bids: Stacey is seeking bids for replacement of light bulbs and/or fixtures throughout the library. No decision was made based on current bids, and further discussion was tabled until next month’s meeting.
Strategic Plan: part 1: Stacey explained the Building Maintenance handout. Board members were encouraged to look at this ahead of time and decide which goals they wanted “to zero in on” completing first. After some discussion about these goals, Stacey decided that it would be best to reword and redistribute an updated Building Maintenance handout for members to look over again in preparation for continued discussion at next month’s meeting.
Technology Plan: Stacey proposed to reword and “clean up” the old Technology Plan so that it will better reflect Missouri state standards. She will present the updated version of this plan at next month’s meeting.
Brenda made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. and Ann seconded this. The motion passed. The next meeting will be March 10, 2022 at 5:15 p.m.