
Morgan County Library

Board of Trustees

April 13, 2023

Present: Stacey Embry, Curtis Cunningham, Ann Brinson, Kathy Jones.

Absent: Mary Jo Jackson, Lena Menning.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Curtis Cunningham at 5:45 p.m. It was held at 600 N. Hunter, Versailles, MO 65084.

Public Comment: none.

Friends Report: The sidewalk project is now complete. The Friends Book Sale is April 28 and April 29. Advertising will soon begin for the Imagination Library.

Minutes: In the March 9, 2023 minutes, the phrase in the first line of the Director’s Report, “circulation is numbers” was corrected to state “circulation numbers.” Ann moved, Kathy seconded, to accept the March 9, 2023 minutes as corrected. Motion carried.

Vouchers/Financial Report: Balance as of March 31, 2023, is $492,689.70. Kathy moved, Ann seconded, to accept the report as presented. Motion carried.

Directors’ Report:

  • Digital content continues to gain usage. Kanopy is still lagging, but helps with the continued growth of Hoopla.
  • The Director is interested in finding someone to disassemble and remove the book kiosk in Stover in return for the kiosk.
  • The Evergreen barcoding project is complete, and the staff has now begun issuing new library cards.
  • Planning for the Summer Reading Program is moving along.
  • A group from Morgan County R-2 will clean the library windows and paint them with various community-oriented themes.

Old Business: None.

New Business: The Conflict of Interest Policy, the Conflict of Interest Procedure Policy, the Role of the Board and the Library Director Policy, the Duties and Responsibilities of the Board and Library Director Policy, the Trustee Nomination Information Policy, and the Trustee Nomination Information Form were reviewed.

Closed Session: At 6:25 PM, Kathy moved, Ann seconded, to move the meeting to closed session, pursuant of Section 610.021.3.

Roll call vote as follows:

Kathy-Yes             Curtis- Yes      Ann-Yes

Adjournment: Kathy moved, Lena seconded, to adjourn at 6:40 PM. Motion carried.

________________________________________                  ________________________________________

Mary Jo Jackson, President                                 Ann Brinson, Secretary

These minutes approved as _____________________ on ________________________